Sunday, August 28, 2011


I'm sure many of you have heard about, have been to the website, or have your own pinterest account.  If you do, bear with me.  If not, you need to follow my directions... Stop what you are doing.  (Ok, well read this, then stop what you are doing, haha)  Go to the website.  Check out the amazing ideas.  Maybe make a page of your own to start collecting the ideas for yourself.

It's such a unique place.  Before, when I found a blog I liked or an idea that I loved, I would bookmark that site.  Then, when I wanted to go back and look at it, I had to rifle through all of my bookmarked sites and guess which one was the right link.  And then half the time, I would be wrong and it would take me a much longer time than necessary!  Plus, I don't know how many times I've needed some ideas for a party or gift and I forget all those super ideas I had already bookmarked.  Alas, we come to my new obsession...

Once you have your own account (you have to request an invite and that might take a few minutes to get one from the website), you can look at other peoples boards, create you own, and repin other peoples' ideas into your boards.  You can also pin other sites you find to your boards as well.  Then you have your own collection of ideas and links to everything that you like.  For instance, if you had a party coming up, all you have to do is go other members party boards or in my case, my own collection, and there would be a plethora of ideas just waiting to be used!  No long searches necessary.  No guess work on finding the right bookmarked link.  It's all right there.  So please, if you have not checked this out, go do it now :)

Here's the link to my pinterest boards.

Enjoy!! :)

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